Base for Everything

To use the API, the Client class defines a high-level interface which handles authorization and creating other objects:

from gcloud_bigtable.client import Client
client = Client()

Long-lived Defaults

When creating a Client, the user_agent and timeout_seconds arguments have sensible defaults (DEFAULT_USER_AGENT and DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS). However, you may over-ride them and these will be used throughout all API requests made with the client you create.


This will use the Google Application Default Credentials if you don’t pass any credentials of your own. If you are familiar with the oauth2client library, you can create a credentials object and pass it directly:

client = Client(credentials=credentials)

In addition, the from_service_account_json() and from_service_account_p12() factories can be used if you know the specific type of credentials you’d like to use.

Project ID


Be sure to use the Project ID, not the Project Number.

You can also explicitly provide the project_id rather than relying on the inferred value:

client = Client(project_id='my-cloud-console-project')

When implicit, the value is inferred from the environment in the following order:

  • The GCLOUD_PROJECT environment variable
  • The Google App Engine application ID
  • The Google Compute Engine project ID (from the metadata server)

Admin API Access

If you’ll be using your client to make Cluster Admin and Table Admin API requests, you’ll need to pass the admin argument:

client = Client(admin=True)

Read-Only Mode

If on the other hand, you only have (or want) read access to the data, you can pass the read_only argument:

client = Client(read_only=True)

This will ensure that the READ_ONLY_SCOPE is used for API requests (so any accidental requests that would modify data will fail).

Next Step

After a Client, the next highest-level object is a Cluster. You’ll need one before you can interact with tables or data.

Head next to learn about the Cluster Admin API.