
User friendly container for Google Cloud Bigtable Table.

class gcloud_bigtable.table.Table(table_id, cluster)[source]

Bases: object

Representation of a Google Cloud Bigtable Table.


We don’t define any properties on a table other than the name. As the proto says, in a request:

The name field of the Table and all of its ColumnFamilies must be left blank, and will be populated in the response.

This leaves only the current_operation and granularity fields. The current_operation is only used for responses while granularity is an enum with only one value.

We can use a Table to:

  • table_id (str) – The ID of the table.
  • cluster (cluster.Cluster) – The cluster that owns the table.

Getter for table’s client.

Return type:client.Client
Returns:The client that owns this table.

Getter for table’s cluster.

Return type:cluster.Cluster
Returns:The cluster stored on the table.
column_family(column_family_id, gc_rule=None)[source]

Factory to create a column family associated with this table.

Return type:



A column family owned by this table.

create(initial_split_keys=None, timeout_seconds=None)[source]

Creates this table.


Though a _generated.bigtable_table_data_pb2.Table is also allowed (as the table property) in a create table request, we do not support it in this method. As mentioned in the Table docstring, the name is the only useful property in the table proto.


A create request returns a _generated.bigtable_table_data_pb2.Table but we don’t use this response. The proto definition allows for the inclusion of a current_operation in the response, but in example usage so far, it seems the Bigtable API does not return any operation.

  • initial_split_keys (list) – (Optional) List of row keys that will be used to initially split the table into several tablets (Tablets are similar to HBase regions). Given two split keys, "s1" and "s2", three tablets will be created, spanning the key ranges: [, s1), [s1, s2), [s2, ).
  • timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.

Delete this table.

Parameters:timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.

Check if this table exists.

Parameters:timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.
Return type:dictionary with string as keys and column_family.ColumnFamily as values
Returns:List of column families attached to this table.
Raises:ValueError if the column family name from the response does not agree with the computed name from the column family ID.

Table name used in requests.


This property will not change if table_id does not, but the return value is not cached.

The table name is of the form

Return type:str
Returns:The table name.
read_row(row_key, filter=None, timeout_seconds=None)[source]

Read a single row from this table.

Return type:



The contents of the row.


ValueError if a commit row chunk is never encountered.

read_rows(start_key=None, end_key=None, allow_row_interleaving=None, limit=None, filter=None, timeout_seconds=None)[source]

Read rows from this table.

  • start_key (bytes) – (Optional) The beginning of a range of row keys to read from. The range will include start_key. If left empty, will be interpreted as the empty string.
  • end_key (bytes) – (Optional) The end of a range of row keys to read from. The range will not include end_key. If left empty, will be interpreted as an infinite string.
  • filter (row.RowFilter, row.RowFilterChain, row.RowFilterUnion or row.ConditionalRowFilter) – (Optional) The filter to apply to the contents of the specified row(s). If unset, reads every column in each row.
  • allow_row_interleaving (bool) – (Optional) By default, rows are read sequentially, producing results which are guaranteed to arrive in increasing row order. Setting allow_row_interleaving to True allows multiple rows to be interleaved in the response stream, which increases throughput but breaks this guarantee, and may force the client to use more memory to buffer partially-received rows.
  • limit (int) – (Optional) The read will terminate after committing to N rows’ worth of results. The default (zero) is to return all results. Note that if allow_row_interleaving is set to True, partial results may be returned for more than N rows. However, only N commit_row chunks will be sent.
  • timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.
Return type:



A PartialRowsData convenience wrapper for consuming the streamed results.

rename(new_table_id, timeout_seconds=None)[source]

Rename this table.


This cannot be used to move tables between clusters, zones, or projects.


The Bigtable Table Admin API currently returns

BigtableTableService.RenameTable is not yet implemented

when this method is used. It’s unclear when this method will actually be supported by the API.

  • new_table_id (str) – The new name table ID.
  • timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.

Factory to create a row associated with this table.

Parameters:row_key (bytes) – The key for the row being created.
Return type:row.Row
Returns:A row owned by this table.

Read a sample of row keys in the table.

The returned row keys will delimit contiguous sections of the table of approximately equal size, which can be used to break up the data for distributed tasks like mapreduces.

The elements in the iterator are a SampleRowKeys response and they have the properties offset_bytes and row_key. They occur in sorted order. The table might have contents before the first row key in the list and after the last one, but a key containing the empty string indicates “end of table” and will be the last response given, if present.


Row keys in this list may not have ever been written to or read from, and users should therefore not make any assumptions about the row key structure that are specific to their use case.

The offset_bytes field on a response indicates the approximate total storage space used by all rows in the table which precede row_key. Buffering the contents of all rows between two subsequent samples would require space roughly equal to the difference in their offset_bytes fields.

Parameters:timeout_seconds (int) – Number of seconds for request time-out. If not passed, defaults to value set on table.
Return type:grpc.framework.alpha._reexport._CancellableIterator
Returns:A cancel-able iterator. Can be consumed by calling next() or by casting to a list and can be cancelled by calling cancel().

Getter for table’s default timeout seconds.

Return type:int
Returns:The timeout seconds default stored on the table’s client.