Table Admin API

After creating a Cluster, you can interact with individual tables, groups of tables or column families within a table.

List Tables

If you want a comprehensive list of all existing tables in a cluster, make a ListTables API request with Cluster.list_tables():

tables = cluster.list_tables()

Table Factory

To create a Table object:

table = cluster.table(table_id)

Even if this Table already has been created with the API, you’ll want this object to use as a parent of a ColumnFamily or Row.

Create a new Table

After creating the table object, make a CreateTable API request with create():


If you would to initially split the table into several tablets (Tablets are similar to HBase regions):

table.create(initial_split_keys=['s1', 's2'])

Delete an existing Table

Make a DeleteTable API request with delete():


Rename an existing Table

Though the RenameTable API request is listed in the service definition, requests to that method return:

BigtableTableService.RenameTable is not yet implemented

We have implemented rename() but it will not work unless the backend supports the method.

List Column Families in a Table

Though there is no official method for retrieving column families associated with a table, the GetTable API method returns a table object with the names of the column families.

To retrieve the list of column families use list_column_families():

column_families = table.list_column_families()


Unfortunately the garbage collection rules used to create each column family are not returned in the GetTable response.

Column Family Factory

To create a ColumnFamily object:

column_family = table.column_family(column_family_id)

There is no real reason to use this factory unless you intend to create or delete a column family.

In addition, you can specify an optional gc_rule (a GarbageCollectionRule or similar):

column_family = table.column_family(column_family_id,

This rule helps the backend determine when and how to clean up old cells in the column family.

See the Column Families doc for more information about GarbageCollectionRule and related classes.

Create a new Column Family

After creating the column family object, make a CreateColumnFamily API request with ColumnFamily.create()


Delete an existing Column Family

Make a DeleteColumnFamily API request with ColumnFamily.delete()


Update an existing Column Family

Though the UpdateColumnFamily API request is listed in the service definition, requests to that method return:

BigtableTableService.UpdateColumnFamily is not yet implemented

We have implemented ColumnFamily.update() but it will not work unless the backend supports the method.

Next Step

Now we go down the final step of the hierarchy from Table to Row as well as streaming data directly via a Table.

Head next to learn about the Data API.